12 sites you shouldn’t miss in mega city São Paulo

Best things you can do in Brazils largest city São Paulo, a mega city containing 18 million people, has a lot to offer. For those who love big cities, nightlife, museums and culture check out the list below of all you can do in Brazil’s economic hub. The city was founded by Jesuit missionaries on …

Important information you need to know before traveling to Brazil

Be well prepared for your trip to Brazil Brazil is an incredible country for traveling around. The cities are vibrant, full of life and adventure but it can also be quite daunting to move around a country that is this large. The customs of the country may be very different from your own and the …

What you need to know before your visit to Curitiba 

Curitiba, located in the state of Paraná, is a remarkable city known for its cleanliness, organization, and abundant greenery. The city features numerous trees lining the streets and has a lot of parks. Home to 1.7 million residents, Curitiba has a subtropical climate with hot summers and cold winters. The city grew to one of …

What animals can you expect to see in Pantanal?

Animals in Pantanal you might see on your trip If you go to the wetlands of Pantanal you will see loads of animals. That is for sure.  Here are some fascinating animal facts about the Pantanal region: It boasts the highest density of jaguars worldwide. The majestic hyacinth macaw, the largest parrot species, calls this …

What animals can you expect to see in the Amazonian rainforest?

Animals you can spot in the Amazones The Amazon is a super unique and a mesmerizing place. The Amazonian rainforest spans over 9 countries (Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, and French Guiana) and spans 6.7 million square kilometers.  Besides 40.000 plant species, there are around 3000 fish species, more than 370 types …

How to slow travel and decide what you will do on your trip

This is a blog post about how not to fall in the trap of trying to push everything in your vacation and come home needing another one. This is just the way that I have learned to travel more slowly and enjoy my experiences more and more. Slow travel is all about experiencing life in …

Top 10 places to visit in Brazil- to many options to choose from

Brazil is the largest country in South America and that’s why this is an impossible list. There is so much to see and explore in Brazil that even after these 10 places it leaves you wanting more! If you like to see some videos of all these places check out my YouTube channel. Rio de …